Hi visitors! My name is Veronica and this is my personal site that I made after being inspired by my internet archaeology hobby. I like a lot of vintage anime and love looking at old sites and shrines from the late 90s and early 2000s dedicated to them that fans made through the Internet Archive. TBH I've always enjoyed older stuff in general - when I was 12, I was literally OBSESSED with NSYNC haha. That's honestly where my first escapades into the old web started and I'm grateful for that weird but enlightening phase in my life.

P.S. I have absolutely NO coding experience and this is my first time working with HTML and CSS on such a large scale! Needless to say, this site will be a forever work in progress and I may often change my layouts depending on my mood as well!

u p d a t e s:


soft launch of site!

things are not perfect at ALL yet but i was super excited and eager to get things up and running

t o - d o:

(a lot lol)

- make my own html pages for blog topics and diary tabs - rn i'm simply using another host to write my thoughts and such but eventually i'd like to have my own pages with comment features!

- insert music player

- add about site tab

- put a button for past layouts in sidebar on left

- make more link to me buttons

- spruce up guestbook - customize it more

- cuter fonts

      link to me